West Drumochter (Balsporran)
Date: | Sunday 16 February |
Transport: | COACH |
OS Map No: | 42 (or 43 for C walk) |
A Walk - Geal-charn & A’ Mharconaich
Start at the Balsporran Cottages car park NN 628 792. Walk west over the railway. Continue on track (ignoring the first turn-off to the right). Shortly after crossing a small bridge look for a track heading right at 621 790. Take this up onto the long heathery ridge of Geal-charn. The angle eases as the summit plateau is approached. Track westerly to reach the summit M 917m. From summit head SW then S to reach the bealach between the two hills 592 766. The route then heads steeply SE to reach the broad ridge of A’ Mharconaich. Follow this NE to reach its summit M 975m. Head N for app 600 m before following the initially rocky/steep NE ridge back towards the start.
Approx distance: 12.1 km
Total ascent: 750 m
Min walking time: 4¼ hrs
B Walk - Geal-charn
Start as A walk but take first path on right which climbs onto the E ridge of Creagan Mor. Once on the ridge take the path E until it meets the N ridge of Geal-charn. Ascend this to summit M 917 m. Descend the S ridge until meeting, at 593 770, a path heading NE into Coire Fhar. Follow this path above Allt Coire Fhar down to re-join the outward path towards the railway crossing and back to start.
Approx distance: 11.8 km
Total ascent: 520 m
Min walking time: 3¾ hrs
C Walk - Bruar Falls to Blair Atholl
Drop off outside House of Bruar on minor road B8079 from Blair Atholl. NN 823 661. Start by walking up to Bruar Falls. Cross the first bridge then turn north uphill keeping to the east bank of the river to junction at 820 667. Here turn east for 500 m then take a track at 825 665 to the north through Glen Banvie Wood. Keep on this for c.3.5 km until meeting a track from the N at 826 697. Turn E and gradually descend Glen Banvie to Old Blair. Follow signs for Blair Atholl and the Atholl Arms Hotel to be picked up by coach.
Approx distance: 13.8 km
Total ascent: 286 m
Min walking time: 5¼ hrs (@ 3 kph)
Please note that the Minimum walking times are based on reasonably fast walkers and assuming good conditions. The times do not include stops or breaks. In poor weather conditions or if members are not comfortable walking at 4km/hour then alternative or shorter routes should be considered.
Next Walk/Activity:
The next club walk is on the 9th March to S Loch Tay starting at 08.00 am (Blairgowrie) and 07.45 am (Alyth). Other information/events: The Club’s AGM/dinner follows this on the 28th March