Trossachs, Sunday 29th January 2023


It had been a long time since the club had visited the Trossachs so this had been a much anticipated series of walks. A very popular area in summer, the timing of the visit had been deliberate to avoid thecrowds. Having said that and despite a less than pleasant weather forecastthere were plenty of folk about.

Nineteen members and one guest left the coach to begin their day’s walking all a wee bit concerned about what the weather may throw at them.

The A Walk would have taken members to the summit of Ben Venue, the very prominent rocky hill that towers above Loch Katrine. With gusts of up to 80mph forecast for the tops an alternative route was taken. An alternative had been prepared, that involved a longer but lower-level route.

A group of three members embarked on an extended exploration of the Great Trossach’s Path, starting at the Ben A’an car park along a route of 20Kms to Kilmahog just west of Callender. They enjoyed an excellent path which offered open views across Loch Venacher and beyond.

The B Group followed the intended route that saw them first climb Ben A’an, at 461ms (significantly lower than Ben Venue), then retracing their steps to join the Great Trossach’s path, following it to Brig O Turk and the waiting coach.

The C Group enjoyed a more leisurely walk along the same path from Ben A’an car park to Brig O Turk.

The coach transported the B and C walkers to the Lade Inn at Kilmahog to be joined by three that had walked on their extended exploration.

In the event the wind and forecast rain didn’t arrive until all the walkers were at low level and towards the end of the day.

The club has been very pleased by the turn out for the first two walks of the year and has been working on the new programme of walks and activities for the new membership year. Please check out the walks page for more information, including details of how to enjoy two trial walks without any commitment to join. Reports and photographs of previous outings can also be viewed in the blog section. BDHC offers walks to suit most abilities and interests, guests can expect a very warm welcome as well as help and advice, should these be required.

The next walk will be to the St Fillan’s area on Sunday 19th February.